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Disease Alerts

Updates on current disease outbreaks are listed here as they occur and will include the date listed, disease name, location and current status. Specific premises will not be named but the general location by town, county and state will be listed. When locations, events or horses are at risk they will be listed. Updates will be posted as they are received.

Uvalde and Crockett County, TX
Alert ID: 1315
July 30, 2019

Texas Animal Health Commission

Number Confirmed: 1 confirmed in Uvalde County, 2 confirmed in Crockett County
Notes: Anthrax was confirmed in one horse on a Uvalde County premises and two horses on a Crockett County premises. Both premises are located within the triangular area of Texas where anthrax is historically found in the soil. The premises have been placed under quarantine and owners were advised on vaccinating exposed animals and the proper disposal of affected carcasses, as outlined by TAHC’s rules. Typically, quarantines are lifted 10 days from vaccination or the last death loss. Visit the TAHC website for the 2019 anthrax updates,