Disease Alerts

Updates on current disease outbreaks are listed here as they occur and will include the date listed, disease name, location and current status. Specific premises will not be named but the general location by town, county and state will be listed. When locations, events or horses are at risk they will be listed. Updates will be posted as they are received.

Bucks County, PA
Outbreak Identifier: 5228
Alert ID: 2604
May 28, 2022
Confirmed Case(s) - Official Quarantine

Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture

Number Confirmed: 1;
Facility Type: Boarding Facility;
Clinical Signs: Fever, Severe neurologic signs; Horse status: Euthanized
Notes: A neurologically impaired horse tested positive for EHV-1 by RRT-PCR at a Pennsylvania Animal Diagnostic Laboratory System (PADLS) laboratory. The horse had a brief, mild fever several days earlier, then developed severe, acute neurological impairment and was euthanized. This horse was not a new resident of the barn and there is very little equine movement on or off of the non-showing boarding facility. This private boarding facility is located in Bucks County, PA. All equine animals on the premises are under quarantine and are being monitored closely for signs of EHV infection. For more information go to the  EHM factsheet.