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Disease Alerts

Updates on current disease outbreaks are listed here as they occur and will include the date listed, disease name, location and current status. Specific premises will not be named but the general location by town, county and state will be listed. When locations, events or horses are at risk they will be listed. Updates will be posted as they are received.

Riverside County, CA
Outbreak Identifier: 6016
Alert ID: 3459
October 30, 2023
Confirmed Case(s) - Official Quarantine

California Department of Food & Agriculture

Number Confirmed: 3; 
Number Exposed: 25; Number Euthanized 3:
Comments: A 4–year–old Quarter Horse gelding residing in Riverside County was confirmed positive for Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) on September 28, 2023. The gelding was quarantined and later euthanized at its home private premises where it was the only equine present. The horse had a brief career in sanctioned racing. Epidemiological investigation led to the quarantine of twenty-four (24) exposed horses and three (3) dam’s side foals at a second Riverside County premises. The twenty-four (24) exposed horses were sampled on October 5th and two (2) tested positive for EIA and were euthanized. The two positive horses were both 4-year-old Quarter Horse geldings, and one of them was also positive for equine piroplasmosis (EP). The remaining twenty-two exposed horses and three (3) foals will remain under quarantine until their sixty (60) day retest.;