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Disease Alerts

Updates on current disease outbreaks are listed here as they occur and will include the date listed, disease name, location and current status. Specific premises will not be named but the general location by town, county and state will be listed. When locations, events or horses are at risk they will be listed. Updates will be posted as they are received.

Oxford County, ON
Outbreak Identifier: 6048
Alert ID: 3497
November 17, 2023
Confirmed Case(s) - Voluntary Quarantine


Number Confirmed: 1; 
Number Suspected: 1; 
Number Exposed: Unknown; 
Number Euthanized: 1; 
Facility Type: Boarding Facility; 

Horse 1: 
Age: 16; Gender: Mare; Breed: Thoroughbred (TB); Onset of Clinical Signs: 11/13/2023; Clinical Signs: The mare developed acute neurologic signs (leaning on walls, ataxia) on November 13, 2023 which progressed to recumbency with nystagmus on November 14. She was euthanized on November 14. A nasal swab was positive for EHV-1 PCR.; Confirmation Date: 11/15/2023; Horse Status: Euthanized; 

Comments: The facility owner, working with their veterinarian, has instituted voluntary movement restrictions and biosecurity protocols.;