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EDCC August 2024 Statistics
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Disease Alerts

Updates on current disease outbreaks are listed here as they occur and will include the date listed, disease name, location and current status. Specific premises will not be named but the general location by town, county and state will be listed. When locations, events or horses are at risk they will be listed. Updates will be posted as they are received.

Ulster County, NY
Outbreak Identifier: 6360
Alert ID: 3839
August 15, 2024
Confirmed Case(s) - No Quarantine

NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets, Division of Animal Industry

Number Confirmed: 1; 
Number Exposed: Unknown; 
Number Euthanized: 1; 
Facility Type: Farm; 

Horse 1: 
Age: 3; Gender: Colt; Breed: Quarter Horse (QH); Onset of Clinical Signs: 8/8/2024; Clinical Signs: Vet was called out to see lethargic colt. Upon arrival, colt was acting neurologic. Back at hospital, colt displayed dysphagia, circling to the right, decreased menace/pupillary light response in right eye. Colt was ataxic on all 4 limbs.; Horse Status: Euthanized;